Big Ups with Noah Uman

Noah Uman, besides having one of the realest Hip Hop radio shows around, is a producer, publicist, reissuer of fine records, and all around great guy. A life long stint in the music industry has fueled his passion to keep good music alive whether it be through one of the records he reissues or his radio show Coffee Break for Heroes & Villians, which had a 7 year stint on college radio giant WFMU. Coffee Break is now back on the airwaves through the internet, thankfully, for all of you Hip Hop fiends to get your fix. This particular interview goes up there with Cosmo Baker and Pat James Longo as one of the longest I’ve done here at FMF (and I love it!). It’s cool when people are so passionate and inspired about music and what they do with it. Salute! So glad to have Noah aboard this week. Enjoy.

Check out Coffee Break Radio’s home on the web.

Coffee Break Radio on facebook.

Get all the new shows on Coffee Break’s SoundCloud page.

Keep Diggin’!

3 responses to “Big Ups with Noah Uman

  1. Pingback: The Man Noah Uman ::·

  2. Pingback: Coffee Break For Heroes & Villains MCA-Tribute-Mix von Noha Uhman. | JUICE MAGAZIN - HipHop since 1997 -·

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