Y Society – Match My Pattern

Push you into the weekend like what! If you we didn’t tell you this record was ten years old, you would never know. Previously unreleased, Redefinition Records let loose another track from the acclaimed Y Society (Insight & Damu The Fudgemunk) record Travel At Your Own Pace. A vinyl exclusive, this track is definitely elicits good feelings and vibes. Takes me back to when hip hop was fun, lyricists put some care into their craft, and beats were hard as three day old shit, plus the scratches are right on point. If you have been following Damu’s career from the early days, it’s got his classic production, and both Insight and Damu rip it up respectfully all over this track.

Ten years is a long time for anything to hold one’s attention.” Things change. People lose interest. New things come along. Time flies. If something lasts 10 years, it has to be good, right?- Joe Buck

Every time I drop the needle on this one, I just get transported back. It’s been a long time since hip hop made you feel like this. Let’s face it, this is timeless, and if it has lasted a decade, guess what? It can last at least ten more. This record will be looked at as one of those joints. A joint that hyped the crowd hyped ten years ago, today, and well into the future. Highly respected, often imitated, but never duplicated, Y Society have burned a stamp into the wood grain of this hip hop game. Remember when you heard it and tell us later how good it still is.

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